Monday, May 7, 2012

We all struggle with a fear of vulnerability. What if others knew who we really are? Is there anyone to whom we can or should reveal our deepest fears, hurts, or doubts? The Bible teaches that every human being has a need for intimate relationships, but that we are to choose carefully those to whom we reveal our heart. While we cannot become intimately vulnerable with everyone, we can trust God and should be able to depend on the fellowship of the church to handle our deepest feelings with care.

1, Struggle – resist
2, Fear – terror
3, Vulnerable – helpless
4, Reveal – expose
5, Doubts – worries
6, Intimate – dear: close
7, Depend – rely
8,  Fellowship – companionship
9, Handle – feel
10,  Relationship – bond 

Vocabulary Activity 

P  J  S  R  X  L  E  X  I  Z  S  Q  K

X  H  V  J  Q  E  A  L  F  B  Z  Z  D

S  X  U  A  E  U  O  F  D  I  P  A  E

T  W  L  P  G  U  E  L  Y  N  A  W  P

R  J  N  L  D  A  I  D  P  T  A  H  E

U  C  E  A  R  E  A  P  N  V  B  H  N

G  Y  R  E  Y  E  W  W  E  O  L  K  D

G  F  A  V  I  N  T  I  M  A  T  E  P

L  J  B  E  P  D  R  G  N  Z  T  E  W

E  J  L  R  V  D  J  G  C  A  L  G  L

G  R  E  L  A  T  I  O  N  S  H  I  P

Y  B  S  M  D  O  U  B  T  S  K  Z  Q

P  I  H  S  W  O  L  L  E  F  E  R  E

Grammar Point Present Continuous 

We use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening now.

   The kids are watching TV.
   I am sitting down, because I am tired.
   I am not learning German, because this is an English class.
   Who are you writing to?

We can also use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening around now, and not necessarily this very moment.

   Sally is studying really hard for her exams this week.
   I am reading a really interesting book now.
   How are you brushing up on your English for the trip?
   We aren't working hard these days.

The Present Continuous Tense is also used to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events.

   I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.
   Polly is coming for dinner tomorrow.
   Are you doing anything tonight?
   We aren't going on holiday next week.

Vocabulary Activity.

1. I am playing football tonight. (NOW, AOUND NOW, FUTURE)
2. I can't play with you now. (NOW, AOUND NOW, FUTURE)
3. I am finishing my homework (NOW, AOUND NOW, FUTURE)
4. Where are you studying? (NOW, AOUND NOW, FUTURE)
5. What are you doing these days? Working? (NOW, AOUND NOW, FUTURE)
6. Sally is taking a bath. (NOW, AOUND NOW, FUTURE)
7. What are you doing at the weekend? (NOW, AOUND NOW, FUTURE)
8. Peter and Mary are going out. They met at Adam's party last week. (NOW, AROUND NOW, FUTURE)

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